Wednesday, 29 December 2010


Why is it that some days it all seems too much? I feel on the verge of tears and have done all day. Eldest child seems to be on some kind of mission to send me crazy with her non stop chatter. Youngest child is poorly so requires cuddling all day. The house looks like a team of Tasmanian devils have been through it - which let's be honest isn't too far from the truth. My hips ache , I feel queasy and my eyelids are stubbornly refusing to stay open! On the plus side I got some gorgeous half price goodies in the Lush sale. Now if I could just get child number one to go to sleep I could enjoy them! Wish me luck!!! Ha ha ha!

Tuesday, 28 December 2010


I can't quite believe the speed at which we are racing towards 2011. It promises to be an exciting year filled with lots of new adventures. While I won't pretend to stick to any new years resolutions there are a few things that need to change in my life that I hope to get sorted!
Christmas presents are still invading our living room, soon to be relugated to bedrooms. Not till New Years Day tho. I'm lacking the motivation if I am honest, I am so very very sleepy! Too much food I suspect!

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Ready for Christmas?

Hahaha don't make me laugh! I still have to buy gifts for most of the adults in the family, Christmas eve gift still to be bought ( I buy the children pjs) oh and not forgetting the food shop! I will be braving the shops today in an attempt to get everything done so that even if we get snowed in we will be fine! Unfortunately I won't be leaving for town til 5pm so I think I am in for a stressful time!! Ah well wish me luck!

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Winter illness

Wah wah wah wah! I feel ill! I've had flu and basically been out of action since last Thursday. Because of course I can afford to lose 5 whole days this time of year . And I still don 't feel right. Boooo. My previous calm about Christmas has been replaced by mild panic. All the kids presents are bought ( and I'm planning to wrap tonight) but no adults gifts bought, the cuboards are bare, and worse than that so is the bank balance! Oooops! But you know what it will be ok. I will get what we need , the kids will be pleased and I'm going to a bloody fabulous time. So there!!!!

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Let it snow, let it snow , let it snow

In my opinion there is one time it's ok to snow and that is christmas eve! It is NOT ok when you are spending the weekend in a caravan. It is NOT ok when you have a 30 walk to playgroup. It is NOT ok when your husband has a 40 minute drive to and from work everyday!! That said it is very pretty and the kids love it :) maybe I need to man up, wrap up warm and just embrace it!

Ps -12 is NEVER ok!!!!

Saturday, 4 December 2010

Easily offended

I was talking to a friend about art and I mentioned I used to draw. She asked to see some so I posted some on facebook. Lots of people said nice things but once person was less than complementary and said I couldn't draw at all. I feel really offended!! But why should I ? They are of course entitled to there opinion and if I didn't want comments I shouldn't have posted on a public forum ... But still I feel sad!! I think it's because I was brought up to not say anything if I couldn't think of anything nice! Do you welcome comments good AND bad??

Monday, 29 November 2010

Oh so tired

I feel like I am chasing my tail. Should be at a rehearsal tonight but after my weekend in a caravan in the snow I am barely functioning. Really struggled to get things done today but tomorrow I will be back on track I am sure.

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Giving thanks

I am not American and I don't celebrate thanksgiving but today I realise I have alot to be thankful for. My parents for there unfaltering love and support. Even when I have done things differently from their wishes they are always there for me. There love for each through good times and bad is inspiring to me and has instilled in me the belief that's good marriage is worth working at.
My friends ( and i am lucky enough to include my sister in that number) who cheer me up when I feel down. Praise me when I do well. Help me when I am struggling . Be honest with me when I am being foolish. I am a lucky girl.
My children who are simply amazing. Everyday they do something to delight me. Easily my greatest acheivement and every day I grow because of them.
And last but not least my Husband who is my best friend. Without him I would be lost , with him I can acheive anything. Marrying him was the best decision I ever made.

So Thank You. I love you all. Xxx

Monday, 22 November 2010

Felt Star Tree ornaments

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

I saw these on a blog over the weekend but of course when I came to have a go this morning I couldn't remember where! Must remember to bookmark!! Anyhoo I decided to make it up and I'm quite pleased with the results. A quick easy project and the second was already miles better than the first . Will definately make more and if you have older children than mine I am sure you could get them involved too. I just let Tegan pick the felt and the buttons.

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Why do you blog?

Someone asked me this today and I wasn't really sure how to answer. I think I use my blog as a diary first and foremost. It's interesting to look back and see what sort of things I have been pondering. While I write this blog for me with no expectation of anyone Reading it , I am always delighted , thrilled even , to find that no only has someone been reading but they have commented too! I read alot of blogs now and I have found great inspiration from them, for activities for the kids , projects for me and ideas for my life. I am sure my blog is not inspirational but it would be nice to think someone saw something on my blog and thought 'ooo now there's a good idea!' .
So in answer to the question I said 'no idea! But I am glad I do!!'

What about you? Why do you blog? And what makes you pick a blog for your regular reading list?

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Ginger and cinnamon biscuits

Tegan chose stars and Euan chose turkeys. Aparently the turkeys are tastier!! Go figure!!
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Tegans beading

Maybe we should start a family wahmpire!!!!
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Painted bird boxes

I think the birds might get scared!!

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Winter sun

Bliss . A lovely crisp winters day. The sin is shining and despite my severe aversion to the cold I have braved it to the park. One eye on the kids , one eye on my book , fresh air and calm. I love it!I'm suffering with a lack of motivation at the moment but just getting up and out has already done wonders for my mood!

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

My Daughter

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Turning 4

No not me! That would be weird eh? My daughter is 4 on Sunday. I can't quite believe it! I have been a mother 4 whole years.When Tegan was born I was a completely different person than the person I am now. I am better for having her. She is amazing and I love the bones off her :)

Friday, 5 November 2010

In your dreams?

What do you dream about? I dream about blogging it would seem! Posted some great stuff last night... cept it's not here now! Lol! I need a device that records my dreams and blogs them for me. Wait a minute not sure I've thought this through ... some of my dreams are not broadcastable ;)

What's the weirdest thing you've dreamt about?

Thursday, 4 November 2010


Had an important question answered today and while the answer wasn't the one I was strictly hoping for I know it was the right one...for now. I also know that my plans are now in motion... and my hubby and I are definately on the same page :) . This week I have started looking after my niece while her Mum works. What a delight she is! The same age as my son and such a cheeky character. I just know those two are gonna run rings around me! Planning some craft activitys for us all over the next few weeks. Suggestions please for a 4 year old and two 2 years olds :)

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Feeling the urge to create...

.... But can't think what. I think it's time to get the sewing machine back out. I quite fancy making some drawstring bags! But with limited skills this might be too ambitious.I have a hat and a scarf on the go crochet wise but I am afraid I have got a bit bored with them. Mmmmm I just need inspiration to strike I guess! Where do you look for inspiration?

Saturday, 30 October 2010

Family fights

Not even a fight really. Just a difference of opinion. But I feel dreadful and have been crying on and off all day :( I probably was more emotional because I am so tired but I stand by my views. I just wish that when it came to decisions about MY children my wishes would be respected. Seriously is it too much to ask?

For the record today's drama was because I suggested a cd player would be a better present for my 4 year old than a portable DVD player. I really don't see the controversy .

Friday, 29 October 2010

Wide awake before 4am

Why oh why!! I neeeeeeedd my sleep!! Should I do some house work? Or play on iPhone aps? Take a guess ;)

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Woes me

Sinuses playing up again. Suddenly feel bluesy. Darn hormones! Auntie flo must be preparing for a visit. There are lots and lots of things I love about being a woman. Raging hormones are not one of them!
On a lighter note... Craft wise I am currently working on a hat for a friend and a baby blanket. Slow progress as facebook is too distracting! Also starting to get more jewellery orders which is faberooney!

Fingers crossed all I need is a good nights sleep to cheer me up! And toes crossed that I get one !! :)

Friday, 22 October 2010

The waiting game

I've never really been very good at waiting. I always need to know NOW! Yet right now I find myself waiting for a lot of things. Important confirmation of something I'm sure to be true. News of a neighbours new arrival. The result of a court case. News that a friends babys life saving op has been scheduled. And the ever important payday of course . They tell me patience is a virtue.... well it's a virtue I don't possess! I just can't wait!!!!!!

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Declutter declutter declutter

Freegle is my friend! I am by nature a hoarder. You never know when you might need it is my mantra. But the clutter is taking over my home! I've mentioned before that I am following fly lady and it honestly has changed my life! Sounds dramatic doesn't it but it truly has! So now I am letting go of the clutter ! I am listing a box of items for car booting on freecycle THEN grabbing a box and filling it before the freecycler arrives!! Awesome stuff! Gotta fill the box to make it worth there while and I am not tempted to take things back out of the box! Loving it!!

Friday, 15 October 2010

Mmmm interesting

An unexpected turn of events! What this space but I think things are about to get interesting!

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Games night

Great fun!! My husband and I have been playing board games this week. Scrabble and battleships. Turns out I am rubbish at both but it's still fun! And it means we spend an evening together NOT sat in silence watching the tv!! You've got to love that!

Friday, 8 October 2010

Watching a DVD..

.. Of the Pink Floyd Pulse tour. Research you see!! I have joined a Pink Floyd tribute band as a backing singer :) exciting stuff! And mildly terrifying too!!! :) The live show is amazing visually and obviously we won't be on the same scale but I can't wait!!! It's going to be awesome!!!!!

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Every one is sleeping

And what am I doing? Browsing blogs, flicking through facebook and waiting for strangers to take there turn at scrabble! Why oh why do I insist on being awake til the early hours and then complaining I am tired all day?

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Proud mummy alert!

Today my little girl walked all the way into town with me. It took us an hour but she was so good never moaning , no accidents and held my hand when I asked her to. My little man is also being a star. Been out of nappies since Thursday and today we only had one accident and he asked me to go to the loo when we were out! I couldn't be prouder of them both , no longer babies but always my babes . Xxx

Monday, 4 October 2010

Are you a planner?

I like to plan. I make grand plans and have great ideas . Very few of these plans actually make it past the planning stage to be honest but it's all good fun. When it comes to making decision I tend to be implusive! I want it now and I do not appreciate being made to wait. But having made a decision recently I have been forced to wait as the next step is something I cannot do alone. The doubt is creeping in and my sensible brain is making itself heard. My heart says just do it. My brain says .. are you off your head!!!! Lol!! Normally before my brain gets a chance to speak it is too late so this is a new experience for me. I wonder if in the long run it will affect the outcome or whether my heart will win the fight as usual!!!! Watch this space!

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Foiled again

Trying so hard to get organised! Need to sort out our home and finances for good this time. This month started well with me setting up a budget and calculating every last penny... and then BAM! Blummin bank charges . Forgot those sneaky buggers. Ah well struggle through to next month and we shall try again! Must stay positive when there is so much excitement to look forward to!!!

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Feeling disconnected

Found out some news today about a good friend. A friend who I love and adore and consider a close friend . And yet I find out this exciting,life changing , earth shattering news from someone else. How very sad I feel to have not been told personally . We don't see each other often as our lifes have taken different paths but I truly thought I would be involved when this time came. I very irrationally feel like I've been dumped. I know that nothing has really changed and when we speak I'll feel stupid for being upset. But for now...I am hurt.

Chicken pox

Seriously how often will my little family suffer!!! My daughter has it it 3 times and also had shingles before she was 2 . My son has a had it once and now it looks like he may have it again! I really thought you could only get is once :(

So the conventional advice is calamine , paracetemol and antihistimine . Any more natural suggestions please?

Crafty stuff

I haven't abandoned all my crafty desires but the singing has taken priority over the last few weeks! No bad thing at all! I am loving tho that a last minute party invite is no longer greeted with panic as I will just whip up a hat or a bracelet and off I go! Unfortunately this only really works with women or girls . I guess boys might be happy with a hat but the men I know wouldn't really be interested . So what are your suggestions for homemade gifts for men? My only idea is cakes!!

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Can't sleep

Mainly because I have ear ache and also because my mind is in over drive. My husband and I are not talking. Not in a bad way ... not all. In a good way actually . If not talking can ever be good. We have made a joint decision. A big decision. And we both know what that decision means but neither of us are brave enough to say it out loud. Because then it becomes real. I'm happy , he's happy , we are both excited even. But we seem unable to tell each other. To make it real. Other people won't be happy. They'll think we are crazy. So we pretend we are not even thinking about it. We discuss related topics , we make important decisions, we are joyful. And yet we don't speak. Very very odd! This being a grown up malarky is HARD!

Sunday, 19 September 2010

Another fun filled weekend..

.... That has left me exhausted! But I am excited about the week ahead. Lots of fun with my wonderful children, a visit with a friend I just don't see often enough,some more decluttering and singing in a concert at the weekend! It's all good !!! Xxxx

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Sing! Sing a song!

I do love singing! :) I sing with a gospel choir and we have so much fun! And it never fails to get me in a good mood! We are entering a competion next year which is exciting and nerve racking all at the same time. It all good tho!

May the lord God bless you real good! Whoop whoop!

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Big decisions

I am excited about the months ahead. Lots planned and lots of ideas. My children delight me in so many ways. I married my best friend. Things aren't perfect but what is perfect anyway?! This time next year we will have seen lots of change and hopefully all of it good. Positive Mental Attitude is what's required and this post is the start.

We WILL be happy in our home
We WON'T be praying for payday by midmonth ... At least not every month
I WILL be working regularly doing something I love
We WILL be confident in our choices

no backing out now or this post will haunt me!

Saturday, 11 September 2010

9/11 where were you?

I was at work. A friend called in to tell us what had happened. We laughed! After all she must have got it wrong?! We soon realised it wasn't a horrible dream . We spent the rest of the day sat round a radio barely speaking. With my husband ( then boyfriend) in the army I was terrified for all sorts of selfish reasons as well. It hard to believe it was so many years ago as the terror and shock I felt then is still very tangible now . My thoughts are with all those who lost someone that day.

Thursday, 9 September 2010

What a pleasant day :)

Not without it's moments of stress and I felt too full of cold to go to choir. But today has definately been good . Feeling the benefits of the flylady system. A routine really works for me! And spent the afternoon with two ladies and there children who make me feel GOOD. We are different and yet the same. We share ideas , I find inspiration and I feel comfortable to be me. Our differences are what make us interesting . So refreshing and comforting. You know who you are girls! Love ya!

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Wide awake at 4 am

And I can't blame the children! A runny nose is preventing me sleeping :( is there anything more irritating??? Got a busy day planned today too! Oh well I'm sure I'll survive!

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Oh well ...

All the best laid plans and all that. So far this week isn't following the program! I have missed the toddler drum circle and all the first session of the Carnegie course. But I have managed to keep on top of the housework and keep calm! :) so not a disaster! I think it's great to make plans but always remember that it's ok to deviate from them!

Sunday, 5 September 2010

This week might be a challenge!

It back to school, toddler groups, Carnegie course,simply kidz sessions! Can I fit it all and continue flying? Since starting Fly lady I have felt in control... But I might be about to fall off the wagon! Need to focus so wish me luck!

Friday, 3 September 2010

I love it when a plan comes together!

Today it all just 'worked'. I gave myself lots of small acheivable goals for today . Prepped for everything and managed to enjoy a lovely lovely day! No even a visit from nasty ole auntie flo and a spectacular trip fall grazed knee moment could upset my mood today! Long may this continue!

Thursday, 2 September 2010

I love....

.... Random conversations with my half asleep 3 year old
.... Compliments when you least expect it
.... Coming home to parcels of yumminess
.... My clean uncluttered kitchen complete with shiny sink!
.... My 2 year olds crazy dance moves
.... My husband arms around me
.... My gospel choir

Today I am very thankful for all the things that make my heart sing xxx

Sunday, 29 August 2010

Busy busy busy

Just lately every day has been filled. Art and craft projects, playing in the park, manic decluttering sessions,rehearsing,family visits and games being played. What a wonderful way to spend your days! And yet today I feel down, I've lost my smile and can't seem to drag myself from my bed. Isn't being a girl fun! Hormonal mood swings that have no actual basis in your real life! So pre menstrual blues GO AWAY! I have no room for you in my packed schedule so find someone else to bother!

Thursday, 26 August 2010

More painting fun....

We have far too many rainy days this summer so the paints have been out again :) And I've been using the ice lolly moulds as paints pots.... well its far too cold for ice lollies!!!

Tuesday, 24 August 2010


Late night last night. Rehearsing with the band I've just joined til midnight.and then my daughter woke at 1 .This is going to be tough! But I am LOVING it!

Monday, 23 August 2010

A blessing...

Ask and you shall recieve...never quite believed this before but I have had proof that it works this week! I updated my facebook status last week to say I'd really like an itouch. I've just joined a band and need to be able to listen to my music on the go so I can learn the songs. And the Internet access would be handy too ;) . Within the week a friend said she would sell me hers! Result! I could never have afforded one new and my friend wouldn't have known I wanted one. So sometimes it pays to actually TELL people what you want rather than expecting them to mind read! Why don't you try it? What blessings do you need?

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Flubbery Dubbery Dough

I ordered this book, First Art - Art Experiences for toddlers and twos,a few weeks ago and while I have enjoyed reading through the projects I had yet to actually DO anything! But today I took the plunge and went for it... I'll put the recipe here for you to try.. I think I was a bit too impatient as I first of all didn't cook it long enough and then secondly didn't wait for it to cool down... but what the hey the kids had fun and the consistency was cool! lol!
Flubbery Rubbery Dough

125g cornflour
120mls cold water
250g salt
240mls hot water

  1. Mix the corn flour and cold water in a bowl and put to one side.
  2. Put the salt and how water in a saucepan and bring to the boil
  3. Reduce the heat and add the cornflour mix
  4. Stir constantly while it cooks to a pie dough consistency
  5. Tip out on to a a board and leave to cool
  6. When cool knead until smooth
Tegan and Euan are really enjoying pounding stretching and sticking things through this dough . There pieces of art will air dry later!


Tuesday, 17 August 2010

So true..

Sometimes on the way to a dream you get lost and find a better one

I have a sign that says that by my front door and I couldnt agree with it more. If 10 years ago you had told me I was going to be a stay at home mum I would have laughed you out of town. This is NOT what I had planned for my life. In fact I didn;t like children had no dsire to be married and wanted to travel the world! And most of all I wanted to sing. BUT I love my life and find it more fulfilling than I could ever have imagined. Best of all I am discovering that I don't need to give up on all of my old dreams in order to have these new ones. Life is GOOD!

Friday, 13 August 2010

I know some talented ladies..

Just a quick big up to some talented WAHMS...

I've been ordering presents in preparation for my Daughters next birthday (in NOVEMBER ..I know get me being organised!!)

First up is
Dark Star Designs

I know its gorgeous right!! :)

Then from the fabulous NitNac Fleeces I bought these...

Simply FAB!!

And then a cute little dolly from Sew You Dolls.... with a fleece jumper to match Tegans new one!!

Do you think she will like them??

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.

Wishing you a beautiful weekend!

Borrowed from

Thursday, 12 August 2010

The value of good friends

can never be undestimated. We had a bad night with the little man last night.Epic tantrum on a grand scale! And today I was not feeling good. But instead of sitting at home brooding about how crappy I felt I decided to jump on the bus and join a group of friends.My natural parenting buddies. And I am so glad that I did.Thank you guys ... I'm beginning to feel human again.

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

15 minute bursts..

... in my desparate attempt to organise my life I am decluttering my home. Well I will be once it is tidy enough for me to see whats needed ;) So I am working in 15 minute bursts! Why is it that my 15 min break time goes much much slower than my 15 minutes work time? Still I am beginning to see a difference sink is shiny and the bedroom floors are clear. Thank the lord for Fly Lady!! :)

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Adding a little routine

Left to my own devices I can be a little (OK a lot!) lazy! But give a routine, some structure, some discipline I thrive!! Unfortunately I am my own boss so there is no one to kick me up the butt! So I am hoping to implement a little structure to my day. I have ordered the book Sink Reflections and I am going to try to follow the Fly Lady routines to help me organise my home. And here is a list of a couple of other things I hope to fit into my day - EVERY DAY! lol! Wish me luck.

  1. Check emails... don't just read! Respond , forward or delete too!
  2. Trip to the park. Yes that's right folks EVERY day! The weather is NOT an excuse ...there's a reason we buy wellies and raincoats! lol!
  3. Exercise ... even if its only a 10 mins . I MUST find time!
  4. Make a phone call . Whether its to a family member or the bank! I need to get back into the habit of speaking to grown ups!
  5. Singing/Breathing exercises... if you want to improve you have to practice! FACT!

So thats it to start with... not too tricky I hope!!

Monday, 9 August 2010

Oh your just being silly.....

... how many times have we said this to someone or had it said to us? And does everyone feels the same way I do about it? I HATE it!!If I am already upset/angry/paranoid/irrational then telling me I am 'being silly' is very very likely to tip me over the edge! Even if my feelings and thoughts are factually wrong does it really make them less valid? And isn't 'silly' just a slightly nicer word for 'stupid' ? And yet even knowing how I feel about it I still use that phrase when speaking to others? I make a pledge to you, my followers, to try very hard not to say that to anyone ever again.... I'm not going to promise anything tho..well that would just be silly! ;)

Saturday, 7 August 2010

My husband ROCKS!!

The triathlon was today and my husband was AMAZING! He came 64th out of 162!! lots of gushy love for my man!! :)

Friday, 6 August 2010

OOO the nerves

Hubby is taking part in the London Triathlon tomorrow... he's nervous , I'm nervous and worst of all we are apart as he has already gone to London.

The beds too big without you. So proud of you and can't wait to greet you at the finish line.

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Its all about the Fashion...

Can you believe that when I met my husband he actually used to say that.... a lot !! He was very into designer labels and looking COOL. Oh how rapidly things change lol! Nowadays I wouldn't call either of us exactly fashionable...but we do like to look good. I'm not one for lounging about in joggers and T Shirts...but I am a busy mum of two so the old faithful jeans and T shirt combo does come out more often that I would care to admit. What do I like to wear... I like to look funky but feminine. I adore skirts and bright colours.. show me something with a rainbow on and your pretty much guaranteed the sale. I LOVE jewelery (well duh!) and like to wear mismatched beads and earrings.Colour clashes are OK with me too. I also colour my hair pretty I have short blonde week it might be purple! I have been doing this since I was about 15 years old... so much so that people who know me NEVER comment on my hair. They are used to seeing it change so much!
Basically I don't like to look like every one else. I like to think of myself as individually..sadly I often fail! Looking down at today's outfit of dark jeans and green hoody perhaps I need to make a bit more effort!!

Blog inspired by the Bloggy Moms August Challenge

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Its only a bit of freedom..

From my kitchen sink I look straight out my window to the front of my house. I can see a very busy road...and yesterday during one of my 40 billion washing up attempts I spot a small boy playing alone. He is at most 2 1/2 . I watch him for about 10 minutes and there are no adults or oldre siblings in sight. He has a scooter with him that he is just a little too small for. Then the boy starts crossing the road..back and forth. Its too much , I have to do something. I go outside to help him cross the road. This boy is too young to tell me his name. He follows me back to my house without question. I don't know what to do. I decide to just wait outside with him while I work out what to do for the best.Eventually a older girl on a bike comes round the corner , she is about 5, and say 'oi come on. home' And off the little boy trots. I am stunned. The little boy is clearly just out to play. He hasn't run off , nobody is frantic. He is just out to play. Over the course of the afternoon I spot him out there a couple more times. More than once I run out to help him across the road. The last time he cam out he was barefoot, in pyjamas and wet hair. Hes clearly had his evening bath and then been sent out again. Eventually his mum comes round the corner and takes him home to bed. Again no panic or anger. The boy is just out to play.

I feel stupid for being so freaked out. Am I so out of touc?. Should my kids (2 and 3 1/2) too be allowed such freedom? I never let them out of my sight. I am doing them a disservice? I'm afraid I will be seen as cruel ,mean, crazy. Am I the only one that thinks that children should be kept safe?

London Triathlon

Just a quick post to big up my fabulous Husband who is taking part in the London Triathlon on saturday. He is doing it to raise money for Help For Heroes which I think you will all agree is a fantastic cause.

If you would like to pop over a few pennies for the charity please check out his Just Giving fundraising page :)

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

A bit about what I do..

It says in the title that I am a WAHM (Work at home mum) and yet I rarely mention any work! So I thought I would blog a little about the work I am supposed to be doing. I say supposed as I am nowhere near as disciplined as I should be . But around looking after my family, looking after the house and my hobbies I do what I can.

My WAHM journey began when my youngest was just a few weeks old. My husband had been involved in accident at work and had broken both arms. My toddler was not yet 2 and I was struggling to establish breastfeed with the newborn. I had my hands FULL. I looked for something , ANYTHING, that would make my life easier. And one of the things I bought was a fleece pouch to carry my baby. It SAVED us! it meant I could cook, feed, shop, clean basically do EVERYTHING with baby strapped on! :) Result! Man I loved that pouch. Now at the time my Dad had been made redundant. He is an upholsterer and pretty nifty with a sewing machine. Once he took a look at my magically pouch he immediately decided 'I could make those!' And so BampisBabyBags was born! Bampi is a welsh phrase meaning Granddad and when a forum friend suggested the name I thought it was perfect! I bought a website from WAHM and I was off. This business isn't going to make me a millionaire , I don't put enough effort in, but it ticks over nicely and I am very proud of it!

I also run Ret-Row which is really little more than a hobby . While I was sick in bed with Swine Flu a friend send me some beads and finding to have a play with. Before I knew it was hooked! I love making jewellery and coming up with new ideas..I really hope this little business venture grows and grows.

And last but not least I also work for Mama Pack. I am a distribution manager and my role is to spread the Mama Pack love and find people across the UK to distribute our Eco friendly ethical natal packs. If you haven't seen one I urge you to take a look at the website. These little jute bags are packed full of yumminess and a must for any pregnant woman or new mum!

So that me ... fingers in lots of little pies..and LOVING it!!

Following Patterns..

This year I set myself the challenge of learning to crochet. I have to say I am quite pleased with myself... I have mastered the basic stitches and even managed to finish a few projects. My problem is following patterns. I find them horribly confusing and tend to just give up. I can work things out from photos but the patterns just make my brain ache!!

But last month I decided to treat myself to some good yarn rather than the pond shop cheap stuff I'd been using til then. I bought a one of skein in Tulips as part of the Woollywumpkins Pure Wool Appreciation Club. When it arrived I realised it was too beautiful to waste so decided to make the effort to follow a pattern..

And so here it first following a pattern crochet item... and I have to say I am quite pleased!! A couple of change I need to make..but on the whole NOT BAD! ;)

So thank you to Woollywumpkins for the inspiration! You rock!!!

Monday, 2 August 2010

Co - Sleeping ..

Co-Sleeping doesn't come naturally to me. When my husband and I first met he joined the army and then later he became a truck river. Consequently I have become VERY used to having a king size bed all to myself. Now though my husband is at home every evening and we have 2 small children. Suddenly I find myself having to share my space...and I'm not sure I like it. As babies both my children slept in moses baskets before being moved to cots. And now they both have there own beds.But increasingly they seem to want to sleep with us. In principal I am OK with this. I much prefer to have them sleep in with us and get a good nights rest than be up and down all night convincing them to sleep in there own rooms. But in practice... I'm not keen. First of all there simply is not room for 2 nearly 30 year olds, 1 almost 4 year old and just turned 2 year old. There just isn't!! My husband normally ends up sleeping in my daughter butterfly bedroom leaving me to fight for the duvet. My daughter then likes to sleep as close as humanly possible to me. Seriously if that child could climb back into my womb she would. My son however would prefer not to share ...he just wants the big bed. He spends all night rocking and rolling, kicking me in the head and trying push his sister out.To make matters worse if anyone ELSE dares move he is immediately is WIDE AWAKE. He wants to chat ,sing and laugh...and he really doesn't care that is 2am.
All of this makes for one tired and grumpy mama. So how do I make this work for us? This is not a rhetorical question , I really need to know?! Is this just another green parenting issue I will fail at???

Sunday, 1 August 2010

Its all about balance...

This weekend has just been an almost perfect mix of everything I love...

Friday I spent the day with a good friend of mine and her wonderful children. We haven't really been friends long but already she has proved herself to be amazing. Cant imagine her not being in my life now. She is inspiring, funny and generous. What else does a friend need to be! :)

Friday night I sang at an old peoples home! It was really lovely to sing for them as they were a lovely appreciative audience. I also had the opportunity to catch up with some old friends who I have not seen in ,well, too long really!

Saturday morning I touch my daughter into town for some 'girly time'. We shopped, we drank coffee, (well she had milkshake ;) ) and we ate cake! Bliss. That afternoon I was picked up by my friends and off I went to a BBQ. Fabulous evening! Good company, nice food, Pimms and Singstar...blummin marvellous!!!And I stayed up til well past 4am ! Rock and Roll!! The only thing missing was my husband who had stayed at home to look after the children. Sad as it may sound but I feel miss him when he's not with me and he would have made the evening perfect for me. I do love that man.

And then we all went to a family BBQ to celebrate a couple of birthdays that are all around now. Such a relaxed and lovely event. The kids played, my husband cooked on the firepit and I chatted with my friends. All and all a simply wonderful weekend... here's to many many more!

Thursday, 29 July 2010

Yeah baby I am Versatile!!!!

What a lovely surprise to wake up to!! Gayle from One Cramazing Life has nominated me for the Versatile Blogger award!! Whoop whoop!!

In order to receive the award fully I must:
1) Thank the person who gave me the award. Thanks Gayle!!
2) Share seven things about ourselves.
3) Nominate 15 newly discovered blogs, and let the nominees know about the award.

Seven things about me not included on my 25 random things about me post:

  • I love Marina and the Diamonds
  • I once played Mary in Jesus Christ Superstar on bradway (ok so it was broadway peterborough but still!!!)
  • I don't iron
  • I don't drink milk
  • I wish we had a dog
  • I have picked out a name and know what my 3rd child will look like...despite the fact that we aren't having a 3rd child! lol!
  • i spend more money than Ive got...but I'm working on it!!

And my Nominees are:

1. Fireflys and Jellybeans

2. Carried Family

3. her bad mother

4. Amy Cornwall Designs

5. The Mother Magazine

6. Thrillingly Thrifty

7. Skip to my Lou

8. Mummy Mayhem

9. Rosie Girl Dreams

10. Mummys Kisses

11. Night Owl Crafting

12. Life of a Twingle Girl

13. I Never Grew Up

14. Red Chai Mama

15. 4 Little Monkeys

Wow choosing just 15 was tough as I read so many great blogs!! Please check these out and share the love!!


Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Its all relative..

.. been thinking a bit today about how people react to things we say. We may think we are being funny and yet we may unintentional upset or offend. Someone said something to me today that I know was said in jest. But because I am sensitive to that persons opinion of me it really stung! I know that what they are implying with there 'joke' isn't true and yet I still spent the rest of my afternoon running around determined to prove them wrong. Sad. How old do I have to get before others peoples opinions of me stops being so important. I spend my life trying to please people who to be quite honest will never be pleased. And in focusing on them I neglect those that DO care. Most of the time I come across as a strong confident woman ... and yet most of the time I feel like a 13 year old girl, still confused about who I am and screaming LOOK AT ME, NOTICE ME,LOVE ME!

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

another contented sigh...

..... tonight I sang! In someones living room, stood at a piano,with my eyes closed and no audience to speak of ..but I SANG . And was applauded for it. You have no idea how good this is for my soul. :) I need to start incorporating more music into my life because(with the exception of my children and husband of course ;)) singing is truly the only thing that makes me happy.

Monday, 26 July 2010

Ret-Row Giveaway

by the way... when I hit 400 'likers' on my facebook fanpage I will be doing a why not click like and get involved!! And don't forget to share the link love!! :)!/pages/Ret-Row/190135002507

my house is full of left overs..

...and I can't stop eating! Just for the sake of it. I can't bring myself to throw anything out...after all there are people starving in the world!! But nobody else seems to eat the leftovers but me! Is it any wonder that the last stone Im hoping to lose is being stubborn!

And while my mind is on food check out my latest custom order... please let me know what you think!

Friday, 23 July 2010

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.

Wishing you a beautiful weekend!

Borrowed from

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Weird Emotions

My little man is no longer a baby and I just adore the little boy he is turning into .... but I also feel sad! Where is my baby gone?

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Tomorrow my son turns 2

No longer a baby eh? I cannot quite believe that 2 years ago tonight I was in the full swing of my labour! Where has that time gone. I was awaiting the appearance of my second little girl...yes that right we were told the wrong sex at our 20 week scan! Boy what a shock I got when my little Erin Grace popped out with a winky!! lol! Needless to say we decided against using that name and I have loved every second of being a mum to my amazing little man. I am so blessed to have one of each. My little prince and princess make every day worth while.. and I say that even today when they have both been rampaging through my house like mini tazmanian devils!!!

Monday, 19 July 2010

Ah contented sigh

What a lovely weekend! :) Recovered from last week bout of illness just in time to enjoy a wonderful weekend. Friday was spent at Wicksteed park with my daughters preschool. I had never been before and we had a lovely day! The children loved the parks and they were both brave enough to try a few rides! My son amazed me by trying the log wavy slides that my daughter was to afraid to go on! Thats my boy!!

Saturday was spent at Twycross Zoo with the inlaws. Again somewhere I had not been before but it was a lovely day! Not the best weather but we only got caught in the rain once! My daughter LOVED the orangutangs and picked up a cuddly one to take home in the gift shop.

And then sunday was a real lazy day. Trip to the garden center, visit to my nan in the nursing home and then some dinner with my parents! Bliss! :)

Friday, 16 July 2010

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.

Wishing you a beautiful weekend!

Borrowed from

Thursday, 15 July 2010

in addition to my earlier post

A pic of the game! And its been pointed out to me that while my daughter DOES know what I need it isn't love.... its an ASS WHOOPING!!! lol! Can I point out this child is not yet 4....I don't stand a chance!!


I'm still feeling very poorly :( But my 3 and a half year old daughter is doing her best to make me better. Bringing me blankets. Giving me cwtches and kisses. And when she is bored.... she brings me paper and a pen and asks so very sweetly for 'DOTS mama' and so I do a grid of dots and we play! Line by line she patiently waits her turn (except when she thinks Im not looking when she sneaks an extra go!) and writes 'her letter' in the boxes she creates ! And of course she wins!

Clever little girly knows exactly what Mama needs ...LOVE!


Tuesday, 13 July 2010

All quiet on the blog front

I'm ill :( Nasty kidney infection and I'm just too poorly to blog. Normal services will resume shortly.

Friday, 9 July 2010

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.

Wishing you a beautiful weekend!

Borrowed from

Thursday, 8 July 2010


it days like today that make me feel so grateful for being a SAHM. The children, some good friends, a picnic lunch and playing in the park in the sunshine!! What fun! Ok ok so it wasn;t without its stressful moments, but despite long bus journeys, a couple of accidents and a bid for freedom by the littles! I had a WONDERFUL day! :) Looking forward to the summer holidays when we are not restricted by preschool pick ups and every day can be as chilled!

I love my life :)

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

its wonky

and imperfect... but its my first sewing project so I'm showing you!!

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

I Love Crochet!

Such a quick way to create something cute!! Here is my latest item..a little purse!!

Monday, 5 July 2010

Just had to share.... latest crochet project :)

Never underesitimate the value of your online friendships

I might be new to blogging but I am an old hand at chatting online. It all started about 6 years ago when I was planning my wedding. I joined an online forum to talk about table plans, napkin colours, and wedding favours.I loved that no matter how crazy I got in the planning process there was always someone with an idea or trick to help me out and calm me down. And then as all the wedding being planned happened we , as a group, started the next phase of lifes. Some where planning families , some starting businesses and some were finding married lifes tough. And throughout it all we had each other to turn. We began meeting up in 'real life' and turned our online friendships in real life ones. Because of talking online I have made friends I would never have met otherwise and my life is richer for it. I am still a member of that original forum , tho the forum has mutated of the years , and now I'm also a member of a couple of others too . The current fav being .

So I would like to take this moment to thank all my online friends , for keeping sane, broadening my horizons and introducing me to many a obsession!!

I love you all!! :)

Sunday, 4 July 2010

What makes you happy?

For me happiness is..

...getting enough sleep..
... and waking up naturally
...impromptu kisses from my children
..watching my children play together unexpected call from my husband to say 'I love you'
... recieving exciting things in the mail
...running my hands through boxes of pretty beads
...finishing a craft project
.. and recieving praise
.. dancing with friends til my legs feel like they will fall off!

What makes you happy?

Friday, 2 July 2010

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.

Wishing you a beautiful weekend!

Borrowed from

Thursday, 1 July 2010

Wow what a difference a day makes..

... loving life today! Being a woman ROCKS eh? Those pesky hormones have a lot to answer for ...yesterday I wanted to kill someone but today I love everyone! My children are delightful. Even when being naughty they make me smile. Plus I recieved lots of yummy mail today..shh don't tell my husband ;)

Im realizing that life is all about choices.I Can choose to be stressed out about everything or I can choose to relax and enjoy everything life throws at me. And you know what ? Life runs smotther when I am relaxed! Go figure!

Tonight I choose to crochet and watch popcorn tv :) bliss.

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Feeling sad

...and I have no idea why. :( All of a sudden everything feels too much. I've lost all motivation , the children are annoying me, my husband dropped my dinner on the floor and I've got no wine . Today is NOT a good day,

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

What a disaster dinner I mean! It was one of those throw together kind of meal and boy did it not work!! Nasty nasty nasty. Glass of wine and dial a pizza instead!! Oh the joy of payday!!

Monday, 28 June 2010

Sun is shining...

...and it is HOT HOT HOT! I love the heat but my poor toddler is not feeling the same unfortunately! He is sweaty and miserable and sleeping ALOT. Just as well really as I am feeling so very lazy! I keep starting tasks and then getting distracted. Ah well these days don't come around often so its best to enjoy them. I'm going to take a relaxed attitude to dinner/bath/bed today... as my little has been asleep since 1.30 I think its highly unlikely that he will be in bed by 7. Such is life eh? ;)

So what new projects do I have on the horizon? Well I have crocheted a couple of bags as gifts for my nieces. Really pleased with how they have come out so I really hope they like them! I also need to make something for a 2 year old little boy! All suggestions welcome! lol!

Have yet to finish my EAT wall art so might get the sewing machine out tonight...and will try not to get distracted by the lure of cute pillowcase dresses I have been drooling over! No way am I ready to start making clothing..but patience is a virtue I don't really have!

While I'm here can I urge all my readers to check out teh summer sale on . Beautiful handmade items by british work at home mums are being snapped up on there! If you LOVE handmade then please please check it out!

Much love folks

Friday, 25 June 2010

{this moment}

Borrowed from Soule Mama

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.

Wishing you a beautiful weekend

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Jewellery Joy..

A friend has taken my eldest out for the day and my youngest has taken an unexpected nap so I managed to crack on with custom orders that have been piling up! Really pleased with the pieces just hope the customers like them. I am fairly new to beading but finding it quite addictive! Surprise surprise!! My faavourite thing is when someone sends me a picture of an outfit and asks me to make soemthing to match! What fun!

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Summer time...

... and I'm loving it! I still feel ill but nothing feels quite so bad when the sun is shining eh? So what have I done today.. posted some items on the Mama Pack SMS Done some washing. Played with the children. Cooked some food! Perfect!!!

Still gots lots of ideas for projects that I don't have energy to start.But there is no rush so I'm not concerned. Just quite enjoying chatting to my mama pack friends. They really are some talented ladies on there ... I only wish I had more money to spend!

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Mama Packs Summer Mama Spectacular ..

... starts today!! Please take a moment to head over to
and see all the amazing goodies on offer from some talented work at home mums! Painted glassware, jewellery and cloth nappies are just a few of the things on sale! I am working with some lovely ladies on some cracking sets that really shouldn;t be missed! Its free to join the forum too so if your registering for SMS why not stick around for some chat too!

Monday, 21 June 2010

Yummy Carrot cupcake...

I do love cake :)

Living on a prayer!

Went to see Bon Jovi at the o2 last night and there is only one word for it...AMAZING! What a fab time I had jigging away to all the classic plus some new ones that I loved. Busy adding lots of tracks to my ipod now!

I was only able to go thanks to my lovely cousin who thought of me when her sister couldnt make it, my good friend who paid for my train ticket and my wonderful Father who coughed up my spending money! A fantastic night...but I didn;t get home to my bed til 3 and then my children were up at 6. So yes I am a little bit tired! But sooooo worth it!

I am suffering with Sinusitis for what feels like the billionith time...back to the doctors again today me thinks.

Managed to complete a custom order today too

right off to catch some zzzzs while the my eldest is at preschool and my youngest naps! :)

Saturday, 19 June 2010

Friday, 18 June 2010

{ this moment}

taken from Soule Mama

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.

Have a lovely weekend, friends!

I've got the lurgy!

and feeling very sorry for myself too! All craft projects have been put on hold while I wait patiently for the 6th course of AntiBs this year to kick in :( Reoccuring bouts of Sinusitis are certainly no joke. Luckily today my hubby is off work and quite frankly is being an angel. While I am snuggled on the sofa with my blanket and laptop I can hear him in the kitchen organising tea and overseeing a papier mache project with the children....very very sweet!
Im singing at a wedding tomorrow evening so desparate to feel better soon. Really could do with a miracle cure if anyone out there is listening ;)

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

One of those days...

Today I feel like I havent stopped...but nothings getting done. Started working on my 'wall art' project. My first attempt at sewing on a machine pictured! Very wonky and a bit dodgy but I am chuffed!! I've also started my mums shrug as promised. Flylady tells me I should be cleaning my living room today... so far not much done. Will get started soon! Oh and I need to mow the lawn. A housewifes work is never done eh??

Painting fun...

Having lots of fun finger painting!!Masterpiece plaques made by Amy's Personalised Crafts

Monday, 14 June 2010

A new week...

.. and I am feeling raring to go. Decided to begin this week with a fly lady challenge . This means that so far today I have cleaned and wiped work surfaces,sweeped and mopped the floor,cleaned the hob and oven and cleaned the dining table. Go me. Iam now working up to my 'HHI' (half hour of ironing for the uninitiated) hence me being here blogging instead! lol!

Some of the fabric I bought on ebay arrived this morning too! So looking forward to starting my next project...I want to spell out the word EAT in fabric letters... ambitious? Maybe! But Im not one for shying away from a challenge!! I also recieved some white wool so I can begin the shrug my mum has asked me to make. Looking forward to that as it is the 3rd one I have attempted so I am hoping for it to be the best yet!