This weekend has just been an almost perfect mix of everything I love...
Friday I spent the day with a good friend of mine and her wonderful children. We haven't really been friends long but already she has proved herself to be amazing. Cant imagine her not being in my life now. She is inspiring, funny and generous. What else does a friend need to be! :)
Friday night I sang at an old peoples home! It was really lovely to sing for them as they were a lovely
appreciative audience. I also had the
opportunity to catch up with some old friends who I have not seen in ,well, too long really!
Saturday morning I touch my daughter into town for some '
girly time'. We shopped, we drank coffee, (well she had milkshake ;) ) and we ate cake! Bliss. That afternoon I was picked up by my friends and off I went to a BBQ. Fabulous evening! Good company, nice food,
Pimms and
blummin marvellous!!!And I stayed up til well past 4am ! Rock and Roll!! The only thing missing was my husband who had stayed at home to look after the children. Sad as it may sound but I feel miss him when he's not with me and he would have made the evening perfect for me. I do love that man.
And then we all went to a family BBQ to celebrate a couple of birthdays that are all around now. Such a relaxed and lovely event. The kids played, my husband cooked on the
firepit and I chatted with my friends. All and all a simply wonderful weekend...
here's to many many more!