Tuesday 8 June 2010

5.30 starts should be illegal!

I have been up for hours!! On the plus side I have got lots done already. As always lots still to do... I think today will be mostly made of post office runs, supermarket dashes and wiping noses and bottoms! lol! But I will be going to the pub tonight so its not all work ;)

One of the many things I have managed to get done this morning was completing a cute crochet hat for my friends unborn baby(pictured). I am new to the joys of crochet but I have to say I am really enjoying the craft! My skills are so far limited but I have no doubt that I will work hard to improve. My daughter has already begun demanding all sorts of woolly goodness so one of my projects has been to make a teeny tiny cardigan fr her cuddly panda. Bless!

I have to admit that when I am pushed for time I do resort to sticking on cbeebies to entertain the masses while I buzz around getting my work done. Today I have no such luxury as my sky isn't working.. its never does when it is windy. Ah well maybe mother nature is trying to tell me something eh ;)

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