What a lovely surprise to wake up to!! Gayle from One Cramazing Life has nominated me for the Versatile Blogger award!! Whoop whoop!!
In order to receive the award fully I must:
1) Thank the person who gave me the award. Thanks Gayle!!
2) Share seven things about ourselves.
3) Nominate 15 newly discovered blogs, and let the nominees know about the award.
Seven things about me not included on my 25 random things about me post:
- I love Marina and the Diamonds
- I once played Mary in Jesus Christ Superstar on bradway (ok so it was broadway peterborough but still!!!)
- I don't iron
- I don't drink milk
- I wish we had a dog
- I have picked out a name and know what my 3rd child will look like...despite the fact that we aren't having a 3rd child! lol!
- i spend more money than Ive got...but I'm working on it!!
And my Nominees are:
Wow choosing just 15 was tough as I read so many great blogs!! Please check these out and share the love!!