I am not American and I don't celebrate thanksgiving but today I realise I have alot to be thankful for. My parents for there unfaltering love and support. Even when I have done things differently from their wishes they are always there for me. There love for each through good times and bad is inspiring to me and has instilled in me the belief that's good marriage is worth working at.
My friends ( and i am lucky enough to include my sister in that number) who cheer me up when I feel down. Praise me when I do well. Help me when I am struggling . Be honest with me when I am being foolish. I am a lucky girl.
My children who are simply amazing. Everyday they do something to delight me. Easily my greatest acheivement and every day I grow because of them.
And last but not least my Husband who is my best friend. Without him I would be lost , with him I can acheive anything. Marrying him was the best decision I ever made.
So Thank You. I love you all. Xxx